These treadmills are available for viewing on the lower level by the track.
This is for treadmill #T29M. You can view this treadmill on the lower level by the track.
This treadmill has approximately 82,250 miles on it as of September 13. Recently tuned up with new belt added.
If you have any questions please contact [email protected].
This is for treadmill #T30M. You can view this treadmill on the lower level by the track.
This treadmill has approximately 59,000 miles on it as of September 13. Treadmill will need to be picked up by September 29. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].
This is for treadmill #T32M. You can view this treadmill on the lower level by the track.
This treadmill has approximately 74,600 miles on it as of September 13. Treadmill will need to be picked up by September 29.
This is for treadmill #T33M. You can view this treadmill on the lower level by the track.
This treadmill has approximately 64,100 miles on it as of September 13. Treadmill will be tuned up and new belt added prior to pick up. Treadmill will need to be picked up by September 29.
These ellipticals are available for viewing above basketball courts 1-3. We will move ellipticals to main level for pick up.
This is for elliptical #E27. You can view this elliptical on the upper level by gyms 1-3.
Elliptical will need to be picked up by September 30. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].
This is for elliptical #E28. You can view this elliptical on the upper level by gyms 1-3.
This is for elliptical #E33. You can view this elliptical on the lower level by the soccer field. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].
This is for elliptical #E11. You can view this elliptical on the lower level by the soccer field. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].
This is for elliptical #E12. You can view this elliptical on the upper level by gyms 1-3.
This is for ascent trainer #S15. You can view this trainer in Cardio B.
Equipment will need to be picked up by September 30. We move the trainer to the lower level. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].
This is for ascent trainer #S14. You can view this trainer in Cardio B.
Equipment will need to be picked up by September 30. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].
This is for ascent trainer #S13. You can view this ascent trainer in Cardio B.
This is for elliptical #E40A. You can view this elliptical on the lower level by the track.
This is for elliptical #E37A. You can view this elliptical on the lower level by the track.
This is for elliptical #E41A. You can view this elliptical on the lower level by the track.